Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday Song - "Ancient Words"

Today we did our song service "off the screen".  Modern technology allows us to choose songs posted on YouTube and project them onto a big screen at the front of the church.  With the lyrics included, we have a great teaching tool for introducing new songs to the congregation.

Our second song of the day, "Ancient Words" has actually been around for quite some time.  It first came out in 2001, and Michael W. Smith performed it on an album entitled "Worship Again" put out in 2002.  We became familiar with it when one of our VBS programs featured it on their music DVD.

The song is all about the words of the Bible as they have been carried down through the ages.  Prior to singing the song, Bert read a passage of Scripture:

"The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever.”
~Isaiah 40:8
The fascinating thing about God's Word is the fact it is a "Living Word".  Although the words have been around since ancient times, they are always speaking anew to those who take the time to read them.  Consider the words to the song, and then make a point to read a fresh batch of the ancient words every day.  Your life will benefit from doing so, especially if you heed them as well as read them!

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