Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Facebook, Flowers & Friendship"

God asks us to confess our faults, and so tonight I must confess I spend far too much time scrolling through Facebook.  Granted, there are times it is important to be checking on things, as often my daughter posts pictures or cute statuses of things my grandchildren have said or done.

Other times Facebook is an opportunity to peek into the worlds of our many nieces and nephews.  They have grown up, married and many have children, so it is fun to see the progress reports of things happening in their lives.

But most of the time, the endless scrolling leads me past random quotes and articles which may be interesting, but not entirely necessary in my life.  There are times I find myself saying, "Did I really need to know that?" and yet I keep scrolling.  In Daniel 12:4 the Bible tells us one of the signs of the end times is an increase in knowledge.  Facebook has certainly played a part in increasing mine!

There are times God uses something in the "newsfeed" to speak to my heart in a way which leaves me wondering if He knew I would need it just then.  Other times I find something to share with others, as was the case earlier this week when I brought a certain video to share with my aunt.

The video had instrumental background music, and the pictures were of flowers opening up and blooming in slow motion.  Since both she and I are lovers of flowers, it was special to watch it with her and marvel at God's handiwork.

Later, as we pondered over the video, I commented how it reminded me we were all like flowers and needed to open up and "bloom" in God's time.  Her comment was how flowers bloom best when the sun comes out and shines on them.  In the same way, we, as God's children, will find our full beauty when we allow the Son to shine in our lives.

They say there is good and bad in everything, and it is our job to sort it out.  The good in Facebook is it keeps us connected with others.  The bad is we are all stuck alone in our separate houses and never truly connect face to face.

This week work on making some meaningful connections outside the world of Facebook.  Invite a friend over or take time to visit someone who isn't able to get out of the house much.  You might even want to try something my daughter has done in the past and initiate a "Facebook Fast" for a number of days.  Another idea would be to allow yourself only one window of time a day for Facebook, utilizing a timer to make sure you don't overdo.

Whatever you find yourself doing this week, remember to include Jesus on your list of friends.  He waits patiently for each of us to extend Him a personal friend request, and always accepts it willingly.  Better yet, He will never "unfriend" us!

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