Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Restoring Order"

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
". . .and God saw that it was good"
"So God created man in His own image,
in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them."
For some reason tonight, I have been thinking about the creation story.  The thoughts began as I was picking up some of the clutter left behind by my four grandchildren, who, along with their mother, stayed overnight with us last night.
The adventure began around 4:30pm yesterday and extended through to this evening around 8:30pm.  This works out to less than 30 hours they spent in Crosby, and much of the time we were at my mother-in-law's house or the nearby park.
After they headed back for home, I looked around the area where they had been playing and saw an assortment of Lincoln Logs, Barbie Dolls, toy dishes and play food, fire trucks, and Lion King stuffed animals strewn everywhere.

I'm not sure how they managed to do it in so little time, but pretty much everything had been taken out of its proper storage area.  It appeared as if a bomb had gone off, leaving everything scattered and left behind.
So why, you ask, did it remind me of the creation story?  Well, as I was picking things up, making an attempt to restore order, it made me think of how God created the earth and everything in it to be a perfect environment.  He placed everything where He wanted it, and then He created Adam and Eve and let them loose in His wonderful world.
The Bible doesn't really tell us how long they lived in the perfect world before disaster struck.  Satan, disguised as a serpent, did the tempting and disobedience to God's instructions brought sin into the world, and it has been spiraling downhill ever since.
For some reason, it always makes me feel good to have the house in proper order before the grandkids come, with everything in place.  Then they arrive.  They aren't really disobedient, but just like to have fun.  One thing leads to another, and you must factor in the youngest has a nickname of "Daniel the Destroyer".  Anyway, I think you get the picture.
What I imagined, was God looking down on His once perfect and beautiful world, wondering how His children could have managed to create such a mess in so little time.  Then, as I continued picking up and putting away, I smiled, knowing God, too, is working towards restoring His world to the way it should be.
Who knows, it might even go faster if He could find some children willing to help with the work!  : )   

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