Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Dream On!"

Each morning, Monday through Thursday, my day begins at the Lighten Up Wellness Center.  Monday and Wednesday the class is called "Women on Weights" and Tuesday and Thursday it is a simple yoga stretch and breathe class.  Not only has the time been beneficial for my body, but also my soul, as I've come to bond with the other ladies who take time out of their day to attend.

Over the past couple of weeks we have had a new member join our group.  Although she has lived on a farm south of Crosby for quite a number of years, I had never met her before.  Her previous job had taken her the other direction to Williston, so our paths had simply never crossed.

It has been interesting getting to know her and learn about her family, and the passion she has for helping children and parents get through troublesome times in their lives.  Prior to the birth of her last child she was working for a human resource center, but now she has hopes of finding a way to utilize her education in Crosby, closer to their home.

During one of our yoga sessions this week, she was sharing about a dream she had which was so real in her mind, but confusing.  She shared it was as if she was holding a developing baby from the time of conception, but outside the womb.

Later, as she told us of her hopes and dreams regarding what could be done to benefit families in our area, I felt as if the Lord was revealing to me a meaning behind the dream.  Perhaps, I told her, the "baby" in her dream represented her ideas and the fact it was growing to maturity indicated her plans would unfold, but over time.

Whether or not my interpretation was right, the Bible clearly indicates God speaks to us through our dreams.  In Genesis 37 we find the account of Joseph's dreams.  Later, in chapter 41, we learn of the dreams Pharaoh had, which Joseph was able to interpret.

The book of Daniel is another which tells of dreams and their meaning.  In this instance, it was King Nebuchadnezzar who was dreaming and Daniel was doing the interpreting.  Later in his life, Daniel also experienced dreams concerning what would happen at the end of time.

Even in the New Testament God used dreams to deliver messages.  Joseph had a dream telling him to take Mary as his wife.  Later, after the birth of Jesus, he was told in a dream to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to escape being killed by Herod.  A dream also told them when it was safe to return.  You will find these accounts in Matthew 1 and 2.

Dreams and visions have always been a part of God's means of speaking to His people.  And yet, as we read in both Joel 2:28-32 and Acts 2:16-18 they will become even more so as we approach the end of time as we know it. 

Has God ever spoke to you in a dream?  Do you have a vision of something you would like to accomplish for Him?  If so, be diligent in seeking His perfect will and timing for the unfolding of His plan.  Step out in faith as you trust God to reveal ways in which you can be used to further His Kingdom here on earth.

Tonight ponder these words, aware of the fact God may be speaking to your heart as you sleep. . .and dream on!

I will praise the Lord who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
~Psalm 16:7 

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