Friday, October 31, 2014

To Treat or Not to Treat

Every year the debate returns as to whether or not a Christian should participate in Halloween.  Personally, I grew up with the tradition of trick or treating.  We lived on a farm, and usually drove around to the neighboring farms to collect our share of the treats.  Only once do I remember one of the housewives asking for a trick to earn the treat.  The last stop was always Grandma's house!

When my husband and I had children, we continued the tradition.  For our daughter's first Halloween I even made her a cute little bunny costume, which was recycled into a boy bunny when our son reached the appropriate size. 

As our kids got older, it was fun to involve them in deciding on a costume and then working to create it without too much expense.  It was their dad who insisted they make the most of the evening come Halloween, as he transported them around our community to get treats he would naturally get to share.   Visiting the grandparent's homes was usually incorporated into the course of the evening.

Our daughter is now married and has four children of her own.  Although their last stop was not this grandma's house (70 miles was too long a drive!) it was fun to see the pictures of their adventures tonight.  Big smiles were a big part of the pictures!

I really don't have a problem with opening my home to whoever stops by for a treat, and enjoy taking pictures of the kids.  This year we had a total of 29 trick or treaters, which is a pretty good number for us.  Most were either relatives or kids we know from our Wednesday night outreach, but it was also fun to meet some new people in town who were trusting enough to venture out.

My daughter took time tonight to share her thoughts on Halloween in her blog, and I must say I will support her 100% in her views:

"I am so sick and tired of the debate (mostly via facebook) over whether or not Christians should participate in Halloween activities.  Just sick of it. 

So here is my two cents... 

Our family loves to dress up in silly costumes.  Our family loves to visit people who are special to us.  Our family loves having fun with friends.  Our family loves being outside and going for walks together.  Our family loves staying up late at night together.  Our family loves eating candy. 

Tonight we are going to be doing all of these things all at once and it happens to be October 31.

I am totally ok with that."

Somehow, I think God enjoys all the joy He sees running around on October 31st!

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