Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Triumphant in Trials

Tonight I have been thinking of so many who are facing trials in their lives.  A cousin is dealing with heart issues and complications following his angiogram (which thankfully revealed clear arteries). A teenager in the midst of his senior year of high school faces health issues with no clear diagnosis or cure.  A young wife and mother of four children enters into a repeat battle with cancer.

It doesn't seem right for any of them to be facing the situation they are in, but, like it or not, this is the hand they have been dealt.  It is part of their "all the days planned for me" as written in God's book before they were even born. (See Psalm 139:16)

Many prayers are offered, but God's timing and methods of answering are very seldom the same as ours.  Still we must trust He sees the bigger picture and is somehow working all things together for good if we love Him and are called according to His purposes.  (See Romans 8:28)

As I prepare to write out a prayer for the end of my day, my eyes settle on the verse shared on today's page of my journal:

"Blessed is a man who endures trials,
because when he passes the test 
he will receive the crown of life
that God has promised 
to those who love Him."
-James 1:12

It would be nice if we could chase away the trials, but it sounds like in them God has a plan.  In the meantime, I best do my part and get to my end of the day prayer!

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