Saturday, October 11, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "Open My Eyes, Lord"

So many times in my retirement I've been asked, "What are you keeping busy with?" or "Are you finding enough to do" or "What DO you do with all your time now?"  How I dread these questions!  It seems, for all the free time I should have, there is seldom any available.

The last thing on my "to do" list is, unfortunately, cleaning house.  There are always good intentions of creating a great plan to stay on top of things, especially since losing my once a month cleaning lady earlier this year.  But somehow, I never get around to implementing one, nor do I seem to find time to devote my attention to actually doing it.

It is amazing how I can come and go on a daily basis and never notice the dust and dirt accumulating.  Then, all of a sudden, I get the urge to clean and start in on things.  It is quite embarrassing to see how much my eyes were blinded to the condition of the house.  Once they are opened, it doesn't take long for me to dig in and get it tackled.

So why is it the same cycle repeats itself again and again?  Probably the same reason we make New Year's Resolutions and subsequently break them a month or so down the road.  We lack the discipline to stick with the plan.

As I was working my way through the house yesterday and today, I kept thinking about the fact our spiritual lives often play out in a similar manner.  We get lacks about having a devotional time with the Lord.  Our Bible reading gets neglected.  We may still go to church, but our heart just isn't in it.  In essence, our eyes get blinded to our need for continual spiritual renewal through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Then perhaps one day you hear an especially challenging sermon, or a message on the radio or TV.  The "wake up call" may come from a book you are reading or the lyrics of a song.  Once again you find the spiritual hunger stirring and your heart is refreshed.  Too bad we can't stay on top of things, much the same as it is with my housework!

The words of a chorus come to mind.  May you make it your prayer today.  Let's challenge each other to allow God to open our eyes to the hurting world around us, and then see it through His eyes.  May our open eyes lead to action at His leading.  Only then will our world get a good cleaning!

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord.
Open the eyes of my heart.
I want to see you.
I want to see you.
To see you high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy, I want to see you!

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