Thursday, October 9, 2014

Seeking the Good

What a beautiful, fall day it was!  The sun was shining, and for a change, no wind.  Most of the afternoon was spent in the back yard, cleaning up the flower beds, emptying flower pots, and clearing the last of the garden away.

After several nights of below freezing weather, pretty much everything was dried up and ready to be discarded.  Imagine my surprise when  tucked among the dead, frozen flowers were a few brave ones still blooming away. 

Also discovered were several cucumbers which were missed when I was collecting the harvest prior to the frost.  Amazingly, some of them were even still edible, and the one lone corncob left on the stalk actually revealed half a cob of developed corn.  It wasn't much, but I boiled it up and we split it to eat with our tacos tonight.

What lesson did I find in all this?  Sometimes, even when it seems all is lost, there is still a bright spot and a bit of good hiding somewhere.   The secret is in the seeking.  What are you looking for in your life today?

Whoever seeks good finds favor,

but evil comes to one who searches for it.

~Proverbs 11:27

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