Monday, October 20, 2014

Mundane Monday

Looking back on my day, it hasn't been anything special.  It began like most Mondays at the Lighten Up Wellness Center.  I took advantage of the nice morning and enjoyed about a thirty minute walk around town.  This also gives me an opportunity to pray for our community.

After starting a chicken cooking in the crockpot, my afternoon was spent washing windows and putting the last of the toys away after the week-end visit from the grandkids.  Later I visited a friend in the hospital, and stopped in on my aunt, but found her napping.

In the evening I exchanged prayer requests over the phone with my prayer partner in California, and then stopped by my mother-in-law's house for a few minutes.  Back home, my husband and I worked on making some reservations for upcoming trips to Bismarck. 

When it came to finding something to write about my day, I found myself drawing a blank.  As I looked around my messy computer desk, my eyes fell on a piece of paper where I had written the title of a song, "Your Grace Finds Me" by Matt Redman.  Often when I hear a song which speaks to my heart, I jot down the name of it for future reference.

As I thought about the message of the song, I was reminded of one line which referred to God's grace finding us in the "everyday and the mundane".  It seemed today fell into this category, and it was good to know God's grace was available.

If you would like to hear the song and see where else God's grace is available, check out this video on YouTube.  What a blessing it is to be reminded His grace is always there, no matter what kind of day we are having!

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