Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Desires of the Heart

It has been an interesting season in my husband's life.  After serving 12 years on the Crosby City Council, he went on to put in 20 years as the mayor of our community.  At this point, the residents voted against his re-election and gave the mayor position to another man.  This past June, they did an "about face" and decided my husband's leadership skills had been missed.

Now, four months into Bert's current four year term as mayor, he has been approached to consider becoming the replacement for a State Senator who recently announced his intention to resign later this year. This would entail completing the two years left of the Senator's four year term.  Over the last several weeks we have had a taste of what the political world is all about, as twists and turns in the path leave us questioning what God's will is for the future of all involved .

Tomorrow morning there will be a meeting of an Executive Committee of the District 2 Republicans.  By the end of the morning, a decision should be made as to who will be appointed to the Senate seat.  As of this evening, we know of three who are being placed into consideration, and one of them is my husband.

As I consider what must be going on in Bert's mind, the words of a particular Psalm come to mind:

Delight yourself in the Lord
and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in Him and He will do this:
He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
~Psalm 37:4-7a

When I first read these words years ago, my interpretation was "God will give me what I want".  But after pondering them over time, a different viewpoint came to mind.  Perhaps it means God will actually plant new desires within my heart. . .His desires.
What will come of tomorrow's meeting is tonight a mystery.  Yet, it has been a part of God's plan all along, and we can rest knowing things will unfold as they should.  Whether the end result satisfies Bert's desire to be a State Senator or a new desire is placed in his heart, we know God will use the process to shine forth His glory. 


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