Monday, October 27, 2014

Flowers. . .For Me!

 Max Lucado once penned a phrase which is often seen on greeting cards.  It says, "If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.  If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.  He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning".  It definitely isn't spring, with leaves falling off the trees and temperatures getting colder, but I do believe God had something to do with the flowers I found today.

It was my turn to host the monthly Women's Ministries meeting, and I thought it would be nice to find a small bouquet for the table.  Checking first at our floral shop, I didn't see anything I felt would be suitable in their cooler.  I also checked a couple of other stores for the possibility of an artificial arrangement, to no avail.

My last stop before heading home was the grocery store to pick up some juice for the hot cranberry punch I planned to serve.  As I walked in the front door, there it was. . .a beautiful bouquet of fall colored flowers.  The owner saw me eye them and told me I best take them, as it was the last bunch they had.  Taking them home, I found a vase and pretty soon my table was complete.

Was it just a coincidence?  Or did God somehow arrange to have the flowers available when I least expected them?  Think what you may, I still considerate appropriate to say, "Thank You, Lord!" as I see them brightening up my dining room table!

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