Thursday, October 16, 2014

Another Chapter Begins

Forty years ago, the story of my life took a turn for the better when a young man named Bert Anderson became a part of it.  The early chapters were written while I attended a year of college at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, ND.  During the Easter break I received a diamond ring, and by the end of the year I was officially Mrs. Bert Anderson.

Transferring to UND's branch in Williston, ND, I completed a two year Associate of Arts degree in the Financial Clerical field, and we enjoyed a short chapter in a cozy basement apartment.  After graduation in May of 1976, we returned to Crosby, ND where we have made our home, first in an apartment and later in the house he built for us on Main Street with the help of his dad and brothers.

Over the years, the story of our life together has filled many pages of time.  We experienced the birth of first a daughter and then a son.  We watched them grow and mature into a beautiful young woman and a fine young man.  Our daughter eventually found her perfect mate and together they have given us four wonderful grandchildren.

Not all the chapters have been filled with happy times.  With the diagnosis of bipolar added into the mix, there have been many "roller coaster days" to navigate.  Through it all, however, Bert has remained true and faithful to the marriage vows he took on December 28, 1975.

Today has begun a new chapter in our lives, with Bert's appointment to fill a vacated seat in the North Dakota House of Representatives.  This will mean moving to Bismarck, ND for a short season next year as he serves in the 2015 Legislative Session.  He has always had a passion for politics, and I know God will use his leadership skills in amazing ways.

What will this new chapter hold for me?  I'm not exactly sure, but trust God already has it figured out!

". . .all the days ordained for me
were written in Your book
before one of them came to be."
~Psalm 139:16

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