Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Birthday, Ryan!

Thirty three years ago I went to work at Farmers State Bank in the morning much like I did every day back then.  It was a Friday, and I was excited about the fact it was my last day of work prior to the arrival of our second child.  The due date was yet two weeks away, and I was looking forward to having some time at home with our almost 3 year old daughter prior to the baby's arrival.

The day seemed extra long, and my back was uncomfortable, which wasn't unusual for someone nine months pregnant.  My husband decided we should go out for supper so I wouldn't have to cook.  After ordering, I started to notice a pattern to the "back pains" and we decided to call Grandma when we got home, just in case we needed to go to the hospital during the night.

As it turned out, she arrived from the farm, we headed to the hospital and the baby arrived about a half hour later!  We were excited to welcome a chubby checked son into our family.  I remember thinking his checks were so round they pushed his eyes up into almost a squint.  Grandma and big sister came for a quick visit before going to bed, and the story of Ryan James began unfolding. 

Many chapters have already been written in Ryan's book of life.  Only God knows how many are yet to be completed.  I'm thankful for Psalm 139:16 which tells me all the days planned for him were written in God's book before even one of them came to be.

The most current chapter of his life has been spent here in Crosby, ND as he works faithfully for his dad at Bert's Woodworks.  There isn't much change in his routine, except when he allows himself an occasional road trip now and then to visit friends. 

For now, this is his life and Acts 17:26-28 assures me it is the exact place he is supposed to be at this point in time.  These verses are also a reminder of what we all should be doing with our lives. . .seeking God.  As we seek, God assures us we will find Him, as He is never far away from any of us.

Happy Birthday, Ryan!!

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