Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Something's Missing!

Something's missing! It seems to be the theme at our house these days. It started with the Christmas picture which gets hung in our dining room each year. “May the blessings of the season shine upon this house”, it says, with a house quaintly set in a winter scene, complete with a sleigh. As the decorating got under way, it became evident the picture was up and missing. It finally surfaced. . .after we quit looking for it.

Next on the missing list was a checkbook. In searching, it is always best to look where you last remember using it. The last recollection led to a tote bag. A quick search came up unsuccessful, and only after further searching elsewhere and a second visit to the tote bag was the lost found.

As the days went by, more and more items were coming up missing. There was entirely too much “Christmas clutter”. It got to the point where I started making a list of all the “lost and found” items to write about. When there finally was a few spare minutes to write, guess what? The list was missing! For the most part, everything eventually turned up, with the exception of one.

Each year, on the planter next to our front steps, we put up a metal Nativity Scene. It caught my eye several years ago while shopping at Hobby Lobby, and Bert even constructed two handy wooden platforms to make setup easier. When it came time to retrieve the pieces from our garage this year, the characters found their places after a quick shower to wash the dust off.

Baby Jesus sits between Joseph and Mary, with a beautiful angel standing guard overhead. To the right of the Nativity family there are spots for three wise men to stand presenting their gifts. The only problem was, only two could be found. Over the course of the last couple of weeks, we've diligently searched the corners of the garage to no avail. Wise man #3 is no where to be found, and it is now Christmas Eve.

Actually, when you read the account of the Magi in Matthew 2 it doesn't really indicate there were three wise men. They are only referenced as a group, but because there were three gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, tradition places three of them in most Nativity scenes.

As time went on and the wise man remained missing, a message resonated through his absence. When you think about it, there is an overwhelming lack of “wise men” in our world today. Rest assured, there are a lot of smart people, but good old common sense wisdom seems to be up and missing. The wisest thing the Magi did was seek after Jesus, the one born king of the Jews. They saw His star in the east and came ready to worship.

Make time this Christmas to join with the Magi in wisely seeking Jesus. While you're at it, join the angels in giving Glory to God in the highest and the shepherds in spreading the Word about the Baby who was born to one day die on the cross as our Savior. When the Christmas lights go out at the end of the day, take time, as Mary did, to treasure up all these things and ponder them in your heart.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Endings and Beginnings

It has now been a couple of days since we had our Thanksgiving celebration, and I woke up feeling less than thankful.  It was snowing.  And windy.  And cold.  Truth be told, it looked more like a January day than one at the end of November.  I'm just not ready for this, but like it or not, it's here!

Last night I sat in front of the computer for quite some time trying to come up with something to share regarding fruit of the Spirit showing in my life, and it seemed to be missing just like the nicer weather I'd been hoping for.  Call it the "post holiday doldrums" if you like, or perhaps it is anticipation of the changes forthcoming in our lives.

Having lived with bipolar over the years, I know change is never an easy thing for me.  Keeping things simple and predictable is always best.  Sometimes, however, God allows a few curves to see how good we are at handling them.  Such will be the case as our laid back life in small town Crosby gives way to new and exciting things in our State Capitol city of Bismarck.

Although I will continue to blog, I am going to let up on my commitment to do so every day.  Instead, I will write when time and circumstances allow and pray you will all seek to find God amidst the busyness of the Christmas season.  After all, as someone aptly said, "Without Christ there wouldn't be a Christmas!"

Tomorrow marks the first day of Advent, a season  observed by many Christian churches as a time of reflection in preparation for the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  May you find peace in the midst of the holiday rush and always remember it is Jesus who truly is the "reason for the season".

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Reflections

T - Thankfulness in abundance
H - Houses filled with family and friends
A - Attitudes adjusted to reflect on being thankful
N - Never ending supply of food
K - Kitchens filled with wonderful aromas
S - Songs of thankfulness sung
G - Great memories of Thanksgiving's past
 I -  Important time with those you love
V - Valuing special people [This includes you!]
 I - Impossible to count reasons to be thankful
N - Naps in the afternoon
G - Good pie for dessert

D - Directing our thanks to God
A - Ample leftovers for the next meal
Y - Young and old gathered together

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving
and His courts with praise;
give thanks to Him and praise His name."
~Psalm 100:4

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Words of Wisdom

It is Wednesday, and time to find some wisdom to share.  Turning to my husband, I asked him, "What kind of wisdom can you think of for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving?"  His reply was two simple words, "Be happy."  Then he quoted the second half of a verse found in Philippians 4:
". . .for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am,
therein to be content."
~Philippians 4:11b
It is easy to be happy and content when life has been good to you.  We certainly have many blessings to count and much to be thankful for.  But what about those who find themselves in a less fortunate state, then what?
The word "whatsoever" is a more formal version of the word "whatever".  It is a word used to say, "no matter what".  It covers a lot of territory, both good and bad.  When Paul wrote this passage, he went on to clarify his position:
"I know what it is to be in need,
and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content 
in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want."
~Philippians 4:12
This chapter is one in which Paul asks his readers to rejoice in the Lord, not just on Sundays, but always.  He asks them to let their gentleness be evident, and also tells them not to be anxious.  He assures the promise of God's peace when requests are presented to God, with thanksgiving, by prayer and petition.
Another portion of the chapter encourages the proper kind of thinking needed to maintain this peace:
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things"
~Philippians 4:8
There will certainly be times when the circumstances of life cause us to question this philosophy of being content, joyful and focused on positive things.  It is then we must remember Paul's secret:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
~Philippians 4:13 
Suddenly, I'm finding myself very thankful for a husband who does his best to follow the advice of a man named Paul!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Preparations Begin!

This morning we woke up to snow, and it continued much of the day.  It was heavy, wet and things were slippery underneath, causing my plans for the day to change.  A trip to Williston to see my oldest grandson in a Thanksgiving play was cancelled.  So was our usual Tuesday afternoon singing session for the assisted living center and nursing home.  This is how things work in North Dakota once winter rolls around.  No plans are set in stone.  It certainly keeps us flexible.

Suddenly I was faced with an entire afternoon of free time.  Looking around the house, it wasn't hard to figure out what should be done.  By the time four o'clock rolled around, it felt good to have the dusting and vacuuming done.  We won't be entertaining for Thanksgiving, but it felt good to spruce up the house anyway.

With our recent trips to Bismarck, some of the Christmas shopping had been accomplished.  Trying to make a path for the vacuum cleaner, I realized having the items stacked in the corner of the dining room was not the best plan.  So it was, for the first time ever, there are four Christmas presents wrapped and ready to be placed under the tree prior to the first day of December.  This is unheard of in my world.  Most years, I end up doing a marathon wrapping day the week of Christmas.  We'll see if the trend continues!

Preparations are a necessary thing as we move into the holiday season.  Whether it be housework, special baking or getting to the bottom of the gift list, it all takes time.  Already the calendar is filling up with programs and parties to attend.  Last night I found myself wondering if once again the month of December would pass by in a whirl.

Sunday will be the start of the Advent season, a time set aside in the church calendar to prepare ourselves for celebrating the birth of Jesus.  While we are busy getting our homes ready for the holidays, the tradition of advent helps us prepare our hearts and turn our focus to the true reason for the season. 

Isaiah told of one making preparations.  Listen closely to the holiday music and you might just hear the words sung as part of Handel's Messiah.

"A voice of one calling:
In the desert prepare the way for the Lord;
make straight in the wilderness
a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be raised up,
every mountain and hill made low;
the rough ground shall become level,
the rugged places a plain.
And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,
and all mankind together will see it.
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
~Isaiah 40:3-5


Monday, November 24, 2014

Home Away From Home

It isn't often we make the trip to Bismarck and back in one day.  Today, however, with a 2:30pm doctor appointment scheduled, it seemed like the best option.  It makes me very thankful for a husband who doesn't mind driving.

The trip also provided us with the opportunity to pick up keys for our new place of residence come January.  For the second time I was able to look the place over, and confirmed my suspicions God had a hand in lining it up for us.

Just inside the front door sits a piano.  A glance to the living room area reveals a sofa and chair in the same blue fabric as my favorite comfy recliner.  Revisiting the main bedroom confirmed my memory of a bed which looks very similar to the one we've had since early in our marriage.  God seemed to go out of His way to make me feel right at home in this new "home away from home" we will be using during the 2015 North Dakota Legislative Session.

There were even a couple of perks. . .things not in my own home which brought a smile of approval.  The second smaller bedroom was set up with a roll top desk and an entire wall of bookshelves.  Glancing through the titles, it appeared there would be several which could captivate my attention during the hours my husband would be busy at the State Capitol, along with songbooks to use in conjunction with the piano.

Some folks might say it is all merely a coincidence, but I'm one who doesn't believe in them.  The proper word in my vocabulary would be "God-incidence".  According to one of my favorite passages in Acts 17, there was a point when God determined the times set for each of us and the exact places we would live, our "bounds of habitation" if you check the Kings James Version. 

What does that mean for me?  It means God cared enough to place a woman in a condominium who would have very similar tastes to mine.  He then arranged to have her relocate to Arizona over the winter months in 2015, to free up her space for us to fill.  I can almost sense His smile in arranging the little details, knowing how much they would mean to me!

There is also an important thing for me to remember.  In this same passage, God gave His reason for giving each of us a special time and place in history:

"God did this so that [wo]men would seek Him
and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him,
though He is not far from each one of us."
~Acts 17:27
It is with joy and gratitude I look forward to seeking Him from a new perspective.  What a blessing to know He is already there!


Sunday, November 23, 2014

SUNDAY SONG - "Thanks to God"

Our community has an ecumenical church service on Thanksgiving Day.  For me, it is always a blessing, partly because it is held in the church of my growing up years.  Mostly I like it because God's people have a chance to gather as one, as it should be.

Our pastor has asked me to sing a special number during the service, and I have been mulling over which song to do.  Tonight I think I have decided on an old one from our hymn book, "Thanks to God".  It seems Thanksgiving season is not complete without it, because years ago it was a given it would be sung by Bert's Uncle Vernor in his deep bass voice. 
Besides the three verses from the hymn book, he would also do a verse (or maybe more?) in Swedish.  I won't be doing any Swedish, but will think of him as I sing!  We do have so very much to be thankful for, and this song covers a lot: 
   Thanks to God for my Redeemer,
Thanks for all Thou dost provide!
Thanks for times now but a memory,
Thanks for Jesus by my side!
Thanks for pleasant, balmy springtime,
Thanks for dark and dreary fall!
Thanks for tears by now forgotten,
Thanks for peace within my soul!
Thanks for prayers that Thou hast answered,
Thanks for what Thou dost deny!
Thanks for storms that I have weathered,
Thanks for all Thou dost supply!
Thanks for pain and thanks for pleasure,
Thanks for comfort in despair!
Thanks for grace the none can measure,
Thanks for love beyond compare!
Thanks for roses by the wayside,
Thanks for thorns their stems contain!
Thanks for home and thanks for fireside,
Thanks for hope, that sweet refrain!
Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrow,
Thanks for heav'nly peace with Thee!
Thanks for hope in the tomorrow,
Thanks thru all eternity!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "You've Got Mail!!"

It is always fun to get a letter in the mail.  Make it an unexpected one from your oldest grandson and it's even more special!  Such was the case this week when his letter arrived in our post office box.  They had studied letter writing in their English class, and for an assignment chose someone to write to.  What a blessing it was to be the recipient!

In the letter he told about a recent gathering of his cousins and the fun they had putting on a play for their family.  It reminded me of long ago when I was young and together with cousins.  We were always coming up with some kind of production to entertain, only judging from the contents of my letter, they do a far better job.

Tonight I spent some time preparing personal messages for each of my grandchildren.  They will get sent in the mail on Monday, and hopefully each of them will enjoy their mail.  It made me sad to think we just don't do enough handwritten personal notes in this age of technology. 

They say God doesn't have any grandchildren to contact.  Each of us must be "born again" into a new and personal relationship with Him, making us His children.  Tonight I'm thankful for the very special "love letter" He has addressed to each one of us, compiled throughout the books of the Bible.  Some of my favorite verses about God's Word are found in Psalm 119:

"I have hidden Your Word in my heart
that I might not sin against you"
~Psalm 119:11
"Your Word, O Lord, is eternal;
it stands firm in the heavens."
~Psalm 119:89
"Your Word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path."
~Psalm 119:105
"The entrance of Your Words gives light;
it gives understanding to the simple."
~Psalm 119:130
With Thanksgiving just a few days away, think about who you might bless with a personal, handwritten note.  Also, take time to glean from God's Word and thank Him for orchestrating its message and preserving it over time. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Faithful on Friday

As I observed my corner of the world today, the fruit of the Spirit I saw at work was faithfulness.  A morning appointment for a haircut found my stylist faithfully performing her job.  Later on, in the afternoon a second appointment provided a much needed massage.  Thankfully, the "Heavenly Touch" masseuse was able to faithfully work her magic on my knotted up muscles.

Between the two appointments I had my own commitment to fulfill.  Bert's cousin, who has worked in the office of our hospital for over twenty years, was putting in her last day at work.  One of her co-workers had called me earlier in the week to see if I would bake a cake for a little farewell gathering they were having for her, and it was because of faithfulness to the task the cake was delivered.

Cake decorating has always been something I have dabbled in.  It all started when our daughter turned one and I borrowed a cake pan from a co-worker to make a panda bear cake for her.  From then on, whenever a birthday rolled around, the decorating tools would come out and another creation would be completed.

Although I would never like to be in the official business of cake decorating, it is always fun to do one for special occasions.  Such was the case this week, and I was pleased to even find a very fitting little ceramic typewriter to add to the top of the cake.  (Somehow, I'm thinking God was the one who knew I would need it, and was faithful to have it available!)

The Bible says much about faithfulness.  In looking through the many verses, I came across part of one to share tonight:

"A faithful man [or woman]
will abound with blessings"
~Proverbs 28:20a
Today I have been thankful for many who faithfully do their jobs to provide the services needed.  I am thankful for opportunities God gives me to be faithful.  Most of all, I am thankful to be serving a God who is faithful, not only today but always.
"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; 
He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love
to a thousand generations of those who love Him
and keep His commands."
~Deuteronomy 7:9 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thankful Thoughts

It's the time of year our thoughts turn to "thanks giving".  That is, if you can close your eyes to the Christmas decorations and shut out the Christmas music.  For some reason the retailers want to jump right from Halloween to Christmas, and we are given very few reminders of the presence of Thanksgiving Day sandwiched between the two.

Many people like to maintain a daily log of things for which they are thankful during the month of November.  Last year I attempted to do so, but this year we were almost a week into the month before I realized it.  They say time goes faster the older you get, and I'm certainly finding this to be true.

Since we are now one week away from the official Thanksgiving Day, I thought I would take a few moments and reflect on things for which I am thankful.  There are the "Three F's" - Faith, Family and Friends, which cover a lot of territory.  I count it a blessing to be living in a small, rural town in North Dakota, but also am thankful for the opportunity my husband and I have to move temporarily to a bigger city, our state capitol, Bismarck.

I'm thankful for the strength God gives me to get through each day.  It seems in retirement my days are busier than ever, and often my life needs refueling by the time nightfall comes.  I am thankful for a warm and cozy bed, protected by a beautiful home, which allows me to get the necessary sleep to regenerate my body.

It is humbling to realize how abundantly blessed those of us who live in the United States are.  Although I do not have a name to attribute this quote to, I've always liked it:

The Bible verse which come to mind is a simple one:
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His love endures forever."
As often happens, I wasn't sure of the reference for the verse, so did an Internet search to find it.  What I discovered was these exact words are recorded in four different places.  In 1 Chronicles 16:34, it is part of a passage which has, in my Bible, the heading "David's Psalm of Thanks".  The other three are all in Psalms. . .107:1, 118:1 and 136:1.  Since most of the Psalms are  also attributed to David, we can be safe in assuming he was a man who felt giving thanks was important.
How about you?  Are you wanting to follow David's example?  He is, after all, remembered as a man after God's own heart.  Seems to me we would be in pretty good company if we joined him in giving thanks to the Lord!  And, yes, He is good and His love endures forever!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Weather Wisdom

Let's do a word association exercise.  I will give you a couple of words, and you say what first comes to mind:  "North Dakota" and "weather".  Let me guess, was your answer, "cold"?  It seems to be what we are best known for, but actually another appropriate answer would be "variable". 

With the oil boom, lots of people are moving here from all over the United States.  We find there are many who have no idea what to expect.  As a native of the state, there are two pieces of advice I can offer.  The first is, "If you don't like the current weather, just wait a few hours and it will likely change!" and the second is, "The best forecast is look out the window!"

Currently, we have been experiencing some colder than average temperatures.  We've also had some extreme winds.  Today as I woke up to the radio, however, I was thankful my address was "North Dakota" and not "New York".  Later, seeing pictures of the many feet of snow they are experiencing, it was a blessing to look out and see only a scattering of white.

Yes, weather is an interesting thing.  Just for the fun of it, I decided to do a search on the Internet for "Bible verses about weather".  Thinking I'd jot down a few, I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing first the reference and then what kind of weather.  By the time I had scrolled through two websites, my page was full, with a wide variety of weather types.

Next I found some colored markers and used a unique marking for each type of weather.  Perhaps the most common was rain (or lack thereof), with second place falling to wind.  There were also references to thunder, lightning, earthquakes, dew, frost, snow and hail.  And, of course, we all remember the story about the great flood.

One of my favorite verse about weather tells me it will be around as long as this place we call earth exists:

"As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease"
~Genesis 8:22
This was the promise God gave to Noah after he came out of the ark.  God also gave the beauty of the rainbow as a sign He would never again destroy the earth with a flood.
Be assured, God is no stranger to any kind of weather.  Better yet, He has promised to be with us through them all.  Now there's a forecast we can count on and embrace! 
By the way, how's the weather in your neck of the woods??

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tired or Triumphant?

Some time back, when I decided to be more diligent about blogging, I made up a theme for each day of the week.  It was to help me direct my focus toward a particular way of sharing.  Monday was for sharing moments, something special from the day which connected me with God.  Tuesday was to be a day when triumphs were shared, Wednesday for bits of wisdom, and Thursday was for thoughts.  Friday was a day to focus on the fruit of the Spirit, and Saturday for seeking God in my everyday world.  Finally, Sunday was for songs and the messages they contain.

So it is, today is Tuesday. . . and I'm not feeling very triumphant about anything, except perhaps making it through to the end of the day.  Since September, my Tuesdays have been extra busy, with Northwest Chorus rehearsals in the evening to add to the afternoons of singing at the nursing home.  Squeeze in making supper between the two, and by the end of the day I'm usually exhausted. . .and crabby.

To make matters worse, I end up beating myself up because there isn't anything particular to share for the day.  At least not anything I would consider a triumph.  But perhaps the triumph comes from a different direction.  I'm looking for something I did, or accomplished, when in fact the real triumph comes in  knowing God loves and cares for me no matter what kind of day I've had.

Paging through the Psalms, my eyes settle on verse 11 of Psalm 29:

"The Lord gives strength to His people;
the Lord blesses His people with peace."
It is good to lie down at the end of a busy day, knowing strength will triumph over weakness and peace will prevail when we surrender to His ways.  What a blessing to know God reigns triumphant and never will be tired at the end of the day! 



Monday, November 17, 2014

Time Spent and Joy Gained

The start of a new week should provide one with a blast of fresh energy to tackle those things waiting to be accomplished.  This might be true in theory, but it didn't work for me today.  Instead, Monday morning found me riding along with my husband to Williston with the promise of precious "Grandma Time" awaiting me.  The kind of energy expended on this type of activity is not as productive, but it sure is a lot more fun!

We colored, read books, cozied in the rocking chair, played school, had a tea party (with REAL water!) and drew pictures.  One last project was doing a couple of "hidden picture" puzzles.  While the kids and their mom spent a few minutes outside getting some fresh air, I took advantage of the time to wash up the dishes.  [Why is it doing dishes is always more fun at someone else's house??]

Although there were many things awaiting me back home, it seemed like a good idea to pop in on my 90 year old friend for a what I thought would be a few minutes.  Two hours later, I walked home after a fun evening of sharing and reminiscing.  No, my projects didn't get finished, but the joy in my heart told me it was time well spent.

Throughout the writings of Paul, he often comments about being thankful for those who have been a part of his life.  Tonight I will borrow one of his writings and use it as a closing thought, directed to those who made my life special today!

"How can [ I ] thank God enough for you
in return for all the joy [ I ] have
in the presence of our God because of you?"
~1 Thessalonians 3:9
How will you spend your time this week?  Spend it investing in the lives of others, and you will find the joy level increasing!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

SUNDAY SONG - "The Light of the World is Jesus"

In my scrolling through Facebook today, I happened across an interesting article on renewable energy.  It gave an extensive review of the work being done around the world to move away from the burning of fossil fuels.

Mention was made of wind turbines, solar panels and hydro dams which have become popular in countries such as Germany, Norway and Denmark.  Yet, for all the progress made, the renewable energy sources still only account for a small percentage of all energy use and each form has its own type of negative impact.

The end of the article concluded we would be better off going to a "low-energy society" by altering our lifestyle back to how it was in the early 1970's.  In my mind, I traveled to a simpler time in life when I was in high school, and made a comparison between energy usage then and now.  There would be much to give up, but perhaps, as the article suggested, there would be a greater sense of satisfaction and happiness in life.

Lots of differing viewpoints come to light as we discuss the future of energy issues.  What came to my mind was the assurance of a time when we no longer will need to depend on any of these methods to provide the energy needed to light the world.  Instead, as described in Revelation 21:23-25, all power will come from God:

"The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it,
for the glory of God gives it light,
and the Lamb [Jesus] is its lamp.
The nations will walk by its light,
and the kings of the earth
will bring their splendor into it.
On no day will its gates ever be shut,
for there will be no night there."
Again in Revelation 22:5 we have a second account of how things will be:
"There will be no more night.
They will not need the light of a lamp
or the light of the sun,
for the Lord God will give them light.
And they will reign for ever and ever."
As my mind processed all these things, a song came to mind.  Having been a lover of music all my life, it seems God often gives me a song to go with whatever I'm considering at the time.  Tonight it was one from our hymnbook, "The Light of the World is Jesus".  Verse 4 in particular, seemed to fit:
No need of the sunlight in heaven we're told
The Light of the world is Jesus;
The Lamb is the light in the city of gold,
The Light of the world is Jesus
And on to the chorus:
Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee;
Sweetly the Light has dawned upon me,
Once I was blind, but now I can see:
The Light of the world is Jesus.

Yes, it will be a glorious time, but until then those of us who know and love Jesus have a responsibility to be His light in our sin-darkened world.  As for the energy debate, I'm thinking God has a plan in place, so no more worries!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Suited Up!

Over the course of the past couple of months there have been some unusual sightings at our house.  Because of his recent political appointment to the North Dakota House of Representatives, my husband has suddenly found an interest in suits, dress shirts and neckties.

With his profession being in the construction line of work, his attire has always been quite simple.  Find him a comfortable pair of jeans, a T-shirt with a pocket for his pens and a plaid button up shirt and he is set.  For Sunday, give him a choice between several pairs of dress pants, along with a few nice shirts and he is content.

Suits and sport coats were a rarity in his life.  They were reserved for only certain occasions, such as weddings, funerals and an occasional banquet.  Generally speaking, instead of wearing them out, they would be outgrown.

Along with his entrance into the world of state politics, however,  has come his entrance into the world of men's fashion.  As part of the dress code, each legislator is required to wear a suit & tie whenever they are at the State Capitol during the session.  This has meant doing some shopping to broaden the range of his choices, giving him some options to mix and match the shirts and ties with the suit coats.

For some reason, it is just so unusual for me to see him laying the suit jackets out on the bed, tucking in the various shirts and experimenting with which tie might look best.  He jokes about the fact he has two brothers who are pastors, and now he will be in a suit more days a week than them.

Did you know, as Christians, we have a dress code?  It is specified in Ephesians 6:13-17and reads as follows:

"Therefore put on the full armor of God,
so that when the day of evil comes,
you will be able to stand your ground,
and after you have done everything, to stand.
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth
buckled around your waist,
with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
and with your feet fitted with the readiness
that comes from the gospel of peace.
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith,
with which you can extinguish
all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Take the helmet of salvation
and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the Word of God."

It is comforting for me to know my husband will not only look sharp in his suits, but he will also be daily dressing according to God's standards.  It's a fashion statement more of the world needs to follow!   

Friday, November 14, 2014

Feeling Royaly Fruitful!

You'd think after being on the road so much this week, we would have stayed home come Friday night.  Especially since the temperatures have been hovering around the zero mark and below lately.  But it had simply been too long since this grandma had seen her precious grandchildren, and therefore, at her request, we once again hit the road to go see them.

Since our son-in-law had his birthday this week while we were gone, we decided to give him a special date with his wife while we watched the kids.  It was a win-win situation, for sure!  We enjoyed playing Legos, dress-up and simply "hanging out". 

The little guy had already changed to pajamas, and Grandma had commented the other three had best get theirs on, too.  Then we heard it. . .the garage door opener!  HURRY!!  MAD DASH TO THE BEDROOMS!!  What fun to see the excitement of everyone coming together at the end of a fun evening!

There was plenty of "fruit" for everyone. . .

LOVE - Between husbands & wives, parents & children, grandparents & grandchildren and siblings!

JOY - Lots of smiles and laughter shared

PEACE - Special time for two away from the busyness of the kids

PATIENCE - When the two year old was testing his boundaries with Grandma

KINDNESS - Having Grandpa finish up the dishes for his daughter after supper

If I thought long enough, I'm sure I could think of some examples of GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF CONTROL, too.  But it's getting late!  And I still want to share these fun pictures from the evening together:

After tonight, we can fully attest to the truth found in Proverbs 17:6 which says:
"Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children."

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Down and Back #1

We now have the first of many "official" trips to Bismarck under our belt.  With my husband's appointment to the North Dakota House of Representatives, we will be making the drive repeatedly over the next five months.  It is about a three and a half hour drive, with Minot at the midway point, giving a perfect opportunity for a "pit stop".  The second half of the drive is all four lane, making it a fairly easy commute.  I'm sure there will be times "Old Man Winter" will surprise us with some nasty weather, so it was good to have the first trip go smoothly.

It was also good to see how much my husband enjoyed being a part of what many would consider to be "boring meetings".  You can tell the political world is a part of his "sweet spot", as it always brings him great joy and satisfaction.  I'm still trying to figure out my role, but so far being at his side and smiling during an evening reception was not too difficult.  Plus it has been a good excuse to buy some new clothes for the upcoming events!

To be honest, this politician's wife doesn't yet completely share in her husband's enthusiasm.  But, as I told him when he was making the decision to submit his name, I will support  him in whatever he feels God is leading him to do.  This may require a bit of moving outside the "comfort zone" of my life, but I'm confident what God leads me to, He will lead me through!

Reading the Psalms has always been a source of encouragement in my life, and tonight was no different.  I came across a verse which seemed quite fitting at the end of our first "political journey" to Bismarck and back:

"The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy
and I will give thanks to Him in song."
~Psalm 28:7
It was also quite fitting to have a particular song come to mind, one which talks about the dear message and promises of God's Word, as well as the great example and pattern left for us by Christ.  The verses reflect on His tender love, His kindness and faithfulness as well as His promise to provide rest for the weary.  But should I at all question the path we are taking, it will be the words to the chorus which will remind me to "stay the course":
"Where He leads I'll follow, 
Follow all the way.
Where He leads I'll follow,
Follow Jesus ev'ry day" 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Day of Tribute

It has been a day of varied experiences.  This morning we found ourselves a part of the crowd at Crosby's Veterans Day Service.  Usually there is a variety of music and a special speaker.  This year, however, instead of featuring one person, the time was devoted to recognition of the many veterans who were in attendance.

A local man was the featured soloist on a medley of songs commemorating each of the branches of the armed services.  Before beginning, he asked the veterans to please stand as "their song" was being sung.  It was a touching sight to look around the auditorium and watch as first those who had been in the Air Force stood, followed by those in the Army, Marines and last, but not least, the Navy.

Following this, several were given special recognition for serving during peace time.  Because they had never faced wartime conflict, they are not given the same privileges as those who did, including the right to join the American Legion.

Of special mention were several who have loyally served on the Color Guard over the years and also one gentleman who was receiving a pin for 70 consecutive years of membership in the American Legion.  Those who had fought in recent years gave a brief account of their service.

Following a lunch served by the high school's FCCLA Chapter, we hopped in our Suburban and headed down the highway to Bismarck where my husband attended his first caucus as a newly appointed member of the North Dakota House of Representatives.

As one of the spouses in attendance, I had a back row view of the proceedings and was thankful for a friendly face who introduced herself as another Legislator's wife.  She filled me in on what my role would be, and what to expect.  I was thankful God sent her my way, and felt a genuine connection
with her sweet spirit.

A reception followed the meeting, and I couldn't tell you how many introductions and handshakes we went through.  It will definitely be a new venture as we continue down the road of state politics, and I'm thankful for this opportunity to "break the ice", so to speak.

Tomorrow, there will be more meetings to attend and I will have some time to relax and reflect as Bert starts to "learn the ropes".  I am proud of his leadership skills, and glad to know he will be seeking God's direction as he steps into this new role.

If I were to pick a passage of Scripture for him tonight it would be Proverbs 3:5-6. . .

"Trust in The Lord with all your heart 
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge God 
And He will direct your path."

At the close of this Veterans Day, I say thank you to all who serve or have served in our Armed Forces.  Their sacrifices have been many and varied, and we owe them a debt of gratitude.  Also, as we venture into the world of State Politics, I say thank you to all who sacrifice their time to be involved in the process of governing our state.  May God's hand of blessing be on them all!

Monday, November 10, 2014

On the "To Do" List

It was my intention to have a productive day.  I made the "to do" list last night, as I once read it was helpful to have a list made prior to the start of the new day.  There were ten things on my list, and as of right now, nine of them have been crossed off.  I also did a number of extra things not on the list.  Seems to me I should be satisfied.  But I'm not.

For some reason, it seems no matter how much is accomplished in a day, there are always so many more things waiting for the next day's list.  Wouldn't it be nice to look around the house at the end of the day and say, "I wonder what I could possibly find to do tomorrow?"  Something tells me this could only happen in my dreams!

While thinking about all this, I was reminded of three words spoken by Jesus as He completed the work He had to do on this earth.  You find them recorded in John 19:30.

"It is finished."
God had given Jesus an assignment, a "to do" list of sorts, and His death on the cross completed it for all people and for all time.  Hebrews 2:17 puts it this way:
"For this reason He [Jesus] had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people."
Tonight I am thankful Jesus was faithful and finished His task.  As for me, I will keep plugging away and perhaps one day, when God calls me home, there will come a time when the only thing left on my "to do" list will be spending an eternity offering praises around the heavenly throne.  For some reason, a song comes to mind:
"What a day that will be
when my Jesus I will see
And I look upon His face,
the one who saved me by His grace;
When He takes me by the hand,
and leads me to the Promised Land
What a day, glorious day that will be." 
Until then, I best check on making my list for tomorrow. . .

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Constants and Change

It was predicted we would get some snow this week-end.  We got just a dusting.  I'm okay with this, but realize (because I have always lived in this state we call North Dakota) the seasons will soon be changing.  One of these days it will snow, and we will be seeing it every day until spring.  It's just how it works here.  We will say good-bye to fall and hello to winter.  Seasons change.

Thinking about this fact last night led us to center our song service for today around the theme of "change".  The first line Bert came up with was ". . .all may change, but Jesus never. . ." and we had our first song, "Yesterday, Today, Forever".

Mine was the next contribution, when I thought of the chorus, "Change My Heart, O God".  It is good to be reminded, no matter how long you've been a Christian, there is always room for additional heart changing.

Soon Bert was singing the line from another song, ". . .changed in the twinkling of an eye. . ."  I was sure it had been a long, long time since we had last sung this song in church.  In fact, it took us awhile to find it in the hymn book, since the title isn't, "Changed in the Twinkling of an Eye", which we learned when consulting the index under the "C's".  Eventually we found it. . .in the "I" section, as the proper title was, "In the Twinkling of an Eye".  Yes, the change when Jesus returns will be a quick one, so it is best to be ready!

One more song, and we'd have enough for the song service.  As Bert was paging through the hymn book looking for another option, a line popped into my head.  ". . .Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not, as Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be."  Although we no longer talk with the words "Thou", "Thy", "changest" and "wilt", you can't go wrong with the classic, "Great is Thy Faithfulness".  If it makes it any easier, just substitute "You", "Your", "change" and "will".

Once we had the songs, we needed to decide on an order.  We opted to start with "Great is Thy Faithfulness" as a reminder God doesn't change.  Next would be "Yesterday, Today, Forever" reminding us Jesus is also a constant and incapable of changing.  We do, however, have the promise of His return, which led to song number three, "In the Twinkling of an Eye".

It seemed appropriate to end with a prayer song asking God to change our hearts so we would be ready for the split second return of His Son.  Join in our heart's cry by reviewing the words, and sing it once again to the Lord if you know the tune.

Change my heart, O God
Make it ever true
Change my heart, O God,
May I be like You.
You are the Potter,
I am the clay
Mold me and make me
This is what I pray.  
 Change my heart, O God
Make it ever true
Change my heart, O God,
May I be like You.  


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "What to Wear"

We returned home late last night from a road trip to Bismarck.  For some reason, I have always enjoyed the drive to Bismarck.  Perhaps it is because of the many trips we've taken there over the years to visit my sister and her family, or because of the wonderful help I've received from my doctors there.  Come January, with Bert's involvement in the North Dakota Legislature, we will have an entirely new reason, so I'm thankful God has planted in my heart a fondness for the community.

Besides having three doctor appointments, there was a fourth reason for our being in Bismarck over the last two days.  Through my daughter I was introduced to a young woman who has a business called "Reflecting Radiance" through which she teaches women how to dress in a way to best feature their coloring and body shape.  She does this either in a group setting or, as in my case yesterday, by taking an individual on a two hour shopping trip to teach you first hand what to look for.  Again, because of Bert's new political career, I will be in need of an entirely different kind of wardrobe, so was pleased to receive lots of pointers.

One disappointment was finding out 90% of my current wardrobe features colors which are not the most flattering to me.  I also learned the skirt length I have preferred over the years (mid-calf) is not the best for my body type.  Knee length or to the ankle would be better.  At least one thing in my favor was my preference for 3/4 length sleeves, which I learned could be both slimming and flattering.

Thoughts about clothing and garments led me to remember several Bible verses which talk about ways in which we can best reflect God's presence in our lives.  Using the help of the Bible Gateway website, I also came up with a few additional passages referencing our "spiritual dress".

"You turned my wailing into dancing;
You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy."
~Psalm 30:11
"She is clothed with strength and dignity;
She can laugh at the days to come.
~Proverbs 31:25
". . .and provide for those who grieve in Zion--to bestow
on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. . ."
~ from Isaiah 61:3
"I delight greatly in the Lord;
my soul rejoices in my God.
For He has clothed me with garments of salvation
and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness,
as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest,
and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels."
~Isaiah 61:10
"I [Jesus] am going to send you what my Father has promised;
but stay in the city until you have been clothed
with power from on high."
~Luke 24:49
"Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed
with our heavenly dwelling."
~2 Corinthians 5:2
". . .for all of you who were baptized into Christ have been
clothed with Christ."
~Galatians 3:27
It seems there are lots of tips planted throughout the Bible on what we should wear.  How is your spiritual wardrobe looking these days? 
[For more on "Reflecting Radiance" see]


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday Thoughts from Two Johns

Sharing tonight some thoughts I recently received from someone named John Smith, a man we met during one of our cruises.  Lately I've been having similar thoughts after reading from my devotional book, "My Utmost for His Highest".  Perhaps God is trying to get a message across to take our eyes off "man created" denominational teachings and turn them instead to Bible based Christ following. We might even start a new movement if we do!

"I thought this morning as I read, how that I might be guilty of being more devoted and committed – to the “cause” of Jesus Christ than to Jesus himself. I think that much of the “combative spirit” in my early ministry was not motivated by my love for Jesus, or even my attempt to defend His honor, but motivated by my love for the “Christian system” – as I understood it - and my attempt to defend my understanding of the doctrine – not about Jesus - but the doctrines of my heritage. Perhaps much of the “issue” orientation and focus among us that causes so much loss of energy and effort and distracts us from what Jesus was about, is due to a misplaced devotion."

It is comforting to know Jesus continues to intercede for us before the Father in heaven, and we have recorded in John 17 the kind of prayer He prays.  Perhaps we should join Him in this kind of praying!

“My prayer is not for them alone [His disciples] 
I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.  I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are oneI in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."
~John 17:20-23