Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Preparations Begin!

This morning we woke up to snow, and it continued much of the day.  It was heavy, wet and things were slippery underneath, causing my plans for the day to change.  A trip to Williston to see my oldest grandson in a Thanksgiving play was cancelled.  So was our usual Tuesday afternoon singing session for the assisted living center and nursing home.  This is how things work in North Dakota once winter rolls around.  No plans are set in stone.  It certainly keeps us flexible.

Suddenly I was faced with an entire afternoon of free time.  Looking around the house, it wasn't hard to figure out what should be done.  By the time four o'clock rolled around, it felt good to have the dusting and vacuuming done.  We won't be entertaining for Thanksgiving, but it felt good to spruce up the house anyway.

With our recent trips to Bismarck, some of the Christmas shopping had been accomplished.  Trying to make a path for the vacuum cleaner, I realized having the items stacked in the corner of the dining room was not the best plan.  So it was, for the first time ever, there are four Christmas presents wrapped and ready to be placed under the tree prior to the first day of December.  This is unheard of in my world.  Most years, I end up doing a marathon wrapping day the week of Christmas.  We'll see if the trend continues!

Preparations are a necessary thing as we move into the holiday season.  Whether it be housework, special baking or getting to the bottom of the gift list, it all takes time.  Already the calendar is filling up with programs and parties to attend.  Last night I found myself wondering if once again the month of December would pass by in a whirl.

Sunday will be the start of the Advent season, a time set aside in the church calendar to prepare ourselves for celebrating the birth of Jesus.  While we are busy getting our homes ready for the holidays, the tradition of advent helps us prepare our hearts and turn our focus to the true reason for the season. 

Isaiah told of one making preparations.  Listen closely to the holiday music and you might just hear the words sung as part of Handel's Messiah.

"A voice of one calling:
In the desert prepare the way for the Lord;
make straight in the wilderness
a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be raised up,
every mountain and hill made low;
the rough ground shall become level,
the rugged places a plain.
And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,
and all mankind together will see it.
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
~Isaiah 40:3-5


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