Saturday, November 22, 2014

Saturday Seeking - "You've Got Mail!!"

It is always fun to get a letter in the mail.  Make it an unexpected one from your oldest grandson and it's even more special!  Such was the case this week when his letter arrived in our post office box.  They had studied letter writing in their English class, and for an assignment chose someone to write to.  What a blessing it was to be the recipient!

In the letter he told about a recent gathering of his cousins and the fun they had putting on a play for their family.  It reminded me of long ago when I was young and together with cousins.  We were always coming up with some kind of production to entertain, only judging from the contents of my letter, they do a far better job.

Tonight I spent some time preparing personal messages for each of my grandchildren.  They will get sent in the mail on Monday, and hopefully each of them will enjoy their mail.  It made me sad to think we just don't do enough handwritten personal notes in this age of technology. 

They say God doesn't have any grandchildren to contact.  Each of us must be "born again" into a new and personal relationship with Him, making us His children.  Tonight I'm thankful for the very special "love letter" He has addressed to each one of us, compiled throughout the books of the Bible.  Some of my favorite verses about God's Word are found in Psalm 119:

"I have hidden Your Word in my heart
that I might not sin against you"
~Psalm 119:11
"Your Word, O Lord, is eternal;
it stands firm in the heavens."
~Psalm 119:89
"Your Word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path."
~Psalm 119:105
"The entrance of Your Words gives light;
it gives understanding to the simple."
~Psalm 119:130
With Thanksgiving just a few days away, think about who you might bless with a personal, handwritten note.  Also, take time to glean from God's Word and thank Him for orchestrating its message and preserving it over time. 

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