Monday, November 17, 2014

Time Spent and Joy Gained

The start of a new week should provide one with a blast of fresh energy to tackle those things waiting to be accomplished.  This might be true in theory, but it didn't work for me today.  Instead, Monday morning found me riding along with my husband to Williston with the promise of precious "Grandma Time" awaiting me.  The kind of energy expended on this type of activity is not as productive, but it sure is a lot more fun!

We colored, read books, cozied in the rocking chair, played school, had a tea party (with REAL water!) and drew pictures.  One last project was doing a couple of "hidden picture" puzzles.  While the kids and their mom spent a few minutes outside getting some fresh air, I took advantage of the time to wash up the dishes.  [Why is it doing dishes is always more fun at someone else's house??]

Although there were many things awaiting me back home, it seemed like a good idea to pop in on my 90 year old friend for a what I thought would be a few minutes.  Two hours later, I walked home after a fun evening of sharing and reminiscing.  No, my projects didn't get finished, but the joy in my heart told me it was time well spent.

Throughout the writings of Paul, he often comments about being thankful for those who have been a part of his life.  Tonight I will borrow one of his writings and use it as a closing thought, directed to those who made my life special today!

"How can [ I ] thank God enough for you
in return for all the joy [ I ] have
in the presence of our God because of you?"
~1 Thessalonians 3:9
How will you spend your time this week?  Spend it investing in the lives of others, and you will find the joy level increasing!


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