Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Reflections

T - Thankfulness in abundance
H - Houses filled with family and friends
A - Attitudes adjusted to reflect on being thankful
N - Never ending supply of food
K - Kitchens filled with wonderful aromas
S - Songs of thankfulness sung
G - Great memories of Thanksgiving's past
 I -  Important time with those you love
V - Valuing special people [This includes you!]
 I - Impossible to count reasons to be thankful
N - Naps in the afternoon
G - Good pie for dessert

D - Directing our thanks to God
A - Ample leftovers for the next meal
Y - Young and old gathered together

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving
and His courts with praise;
give thanks to Him and praise His name."
~Psalm 100:4

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