Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tired or Triumphant?

Some time back, when I decided to be more diligent about blogging, I made up a theme for each day of the week.  It was to help me direct my focus toward a particular way of sharing.  Monday was for sharing moments, something special from the day which connected me with God.  Tuesday was to be a day when triumphs were shared, Wednesday for bits of wisdom, and Thursday was for thoughts.  Friday was a day to focus on the fruit of the Spirit, and Saturday for seeking God in my everyday world.  Finally, Sunday was for songs and the messages they contain.

So it is, today is Tuesday. . . and I'm not feeling very triumphant about anything, except perhaps making it through to the end of the day.  Since September, my Tuesdays have been extra busy, with Northwest Chorus rehearsals in the evening to add to the afternoons of singing at the nursing home.  Squeeze in making supper between the two, and by the end of the day I'm usually exhausted. . .and crabby.

To make matters worse, I end up beating myself up because there isn't anything particular to share for the day.  At least not anything I would consider a triumph.  But perhaps the triumph comes from a different direction.  I'm looking for something I did, or accomplished, when in fact the real triumph comes in  knowing God loves and cares for me no matter what kind of day I've had.

Paging through the Psalms, my eyes settle on verse 11 of Psalm 29:

"The Lord gives strength to His people;
the Lord blesses His people with peace."
It is good to lie down at the end of a busy day, knowing strength will triumph over weakness and peace will prevail when we surrender to His ways.  What a blessing to know God reigns triumphant and never will be tired at the end of the day! 



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