Thursday, November 13, 2014

Down and Back #1

We now have the first of many "official" trips to Bismarck under our belt.  With my husband's appointment to the North Dakota House of Representatives, we will be making the drive repeatedly over the next five months.  It is about a three and a half hour drive, with Minot at the midway point, giving a perfect opportunity for a "pit stop".  The second half of the drive is all four lane, making it a fairly easy commute.  I'm sure there will be times "Old Man Winter" will surprise us with some nasty weather, so it was good to have the first trip go smoothly.

It was also good to see how much my husband enjoyed being a part of what many would consider to be "boring meetings".  You can tell the political world is a part of his "sweet spot", as it always brings him great joy and satisfaction.  I'm still trying to figure out my role, but so far being at his side and smiling during an evening reception was not too difficult.  Plus it has been a good excuse to buy some new clothes for the upcoming events!

To be honest, this politician's wife doesn't yet completely share in her husband's enthusiasm.  But, as I told him when he was making the decision to submit his name, I will support  him in whatever he feels God is leading him to do.  This may require a bit of moving outside the "comfort zone" of my life, but I'm confident what God leads me to, He will lead me through!

Reading the Psalms has always been a source of encouragement in my life, and tonight was no different.  I came across a verse which seemed quite fitting at the end of our first "political journey" to Bismarck and back:

"The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy
and I will give thanks to Him in song."
~Psalm 28:7
It was also quite fitting to have a particular song come to mind, one which talks about the dear message and promises of God's Word, as well as the great example and pattern left for us by Christ.  The verses reflect on His tender love, His kindness and faithfulness as well as His promise to provide rest for the weary.  But should I at all question the path we are taking, it will be the words to the chorus which will remind me to "stay the course":
"Where He leads I'll follow, 
Follow all the way.
Where He leads I'll follow,
Follow Jesus ev'ry day" 

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