Sunday, November 2, 2014

SUNDAY SONGS - "A Story, A Cross, Grace & Thanks"

It was our Sunday to come up with the songs for the worship service.  To me, it is helpful if we first decide on a theme around which to select the songs.  Since the first Sunday of the month is always our missions emphasis, it seemed like a good starting point.

Looking through the hymnal under the "Missions" section, I found one with the title, "We've a Story to Tell".  It is definitely an old hymn, considering the fact the writer and composer, H. Ernest Nichol, died in 1928.  Amazing how the story written about all those years ago is still very needed today!

What exactly is this story?  It was my mission to find a song which provided the answer.  Once again paging through the options available, I settled on a song entitled, "Room at the Cross for You".  This song was copyrighted in 1946 by Ira Stanphill.  The words of the chorus ring true throughout all time:

There's room at the cross for you.
There's room at the cross for you.
Tho' millions have come
There's still room for one
Yes, there's room at the cross for you.

Our next song was a modern day adaption of the familiar song, Amazing Grace.  Although John Newton originally composed the song in 1779, Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio were the ones who added "My Chains Are Gone" in parenthesis to the title, coming up with the new version in 2006.  It is once we find ourselves at the foot of the cross we realize just how amazing God's grace is.
In closing we sang a song of thanks for all God has done for us through the death of Jesus on the cross and His subsequent resurrection: 
Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul
Thank You, Lord, for making me whole
Thank You, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free 
Have you surrendered to Jesus at the foot of the cross?  Have you thanked Him today?  If so, remember you have a story to tell this week!    

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