Sunday, November 16, 2014

SUNDAY SONG - "The Light of the World is Jesus"

In my scrolling through Facebook today, I happened across an interesting article on renewable energy.  It gave an extensive review of the work being done around the world to move away from the burning of fossil fuels.

Mention was made of wind turbines, solar panels and hydro dams which have become popular in countries such as Germany, Norway and Denmark.  Yet, for all the progress made, the renewable energy sources still only account for a small percentage of all energy use and each form has its own type of negative impact.

The end of the article concluded we would be better off going to a "low-energy society" by altering our lifestyle back to how it was in the early 1970's.  In my mind, I traveled to a simpler time in life when I was in high school, and made a comparison between energy usage then and now.  There would be much to give up, but perhaps, as the article suggested, there would be a greater sense of satisfaction and happiness in life.

Lots of differing viewpoints come to light as we discuss the future of energy issues.  What came to my mind was the assurance of a time when we no longer will need to depend on any of these methods to provide the energy needed to light the world.  Instead, as described in Revelation 21:23-25, all power will come from God:

"The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it,
for the glory of God gives it light,
and the Lamb [Jesus] is its lamp.
The nations will walk by its light,
and the kings of the earth
will bring their splendor into it.
On no day will its gates ever be shut,
for there will be no night there."
Again in Revelation 22:5 we have a second account of how things will be:
"There will be no more night.
They will not need the light of a lamp
or the light of the sun,
for the Lord God will give them light.
And they will reign for ever and ever."
As my mind processed all these things, a song came to mind.  Having been a lover of music all my life, it seems God often gives me a song to go with whatever I'm considering at the time.  Tonight it was one from our hymnbook, "The Light of the World is Jesus".  Verse 4 in particular, seemed to fit:
No need of the sunlight in heaven we're told
The Light of the world is Jesus;
The Lamb is the light in the city of gold,
The Light of the world is Jesus
And on to the chorus:
Come to the Light, 'tis shining for thee;
Sweetly the Light has dawned upon me,
Once I was blind, but now I can see:
The Light of the world is Jesus.

Yes, it will be a glorious time, but until then those of us who know and love Jesus have a responsibility to be His light in our sin-darkened world.  As for the energy debate, I'm thinking God has a plan in place, so no more worries!

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