Monday, November 3, 2014

Litter Not!

The day started out gloomy and cold, leaving me not so anxious to take my morning walk.  Instead I found things to keep me busy indoors and hoped it would be nicer in the afternoon.  Later on, after a trip downtown to pick up a few items for packing Operation Christmas Child Shoebox gifts, I noticed the sun peeking out.  Thankfully, there would still be time to squeeze in the walk prior to making supper.

Since my last walk took me past a considerable amount of litter, I decided to bring a plastic grocery bag to pick up trash as I went along.  With some very nice walking paths recently installed, it seemed a shame to have them strewn with litter.

Before my walk was half done, my bag was full.  Along the way, I also came across an abandoned plastic tote, giving me additional room for garbage. Everything from water bottles to empty pop and beer cans to assorted cups and wrappers made their way into my piles to be shared with my trash can back home.

As I journeyed down the paths, there was a lot of bending and reaching added to the cardio effect of the walk, and by the time I arrived back home I definitely felt I'd had a workout.  Although I appreciated the extra calories burned, it also really burned my inner spirit to have to be picking up after others.  With each item collected, I said a little prayer for the person who had discarded it, hoping in the future they would think twice before littering.

It really is a shame so many people disrespect our roadways by littering.  Out of curiosity I checked out what the litter laws of ND are.  In doing so I came across a great website comparing penalties in various states.   The laws are there, so it is sad so many disregard them.  Not only is there a price to pay here on earth, but also a judgment from God awaits:

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment."

~Romans 13:1-2
Keep this in mind next time you are tempted to toss something out your window!

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