Friday, November 21, 2014

Faithful on Friday

As I observed my corner of the world today, the fruit of the Spirit I saw at work was faithfulness.  A morning appointment for a haircut found my stylist faithfully performing her job.  Later on, in the afternoon a second appointment provided a much needed massage.  Thankfully, the "Heavenly Touch" masseuse was able to faithfully work her magic on my knotted up muscles.

Between the two appointments I had my own commitment to fulfill.  Bert's cousin, who has worked in the office of our hospital for over twenty years, was putting in her last day at work.  One of her co-workers had called me earlier in the week to see if I would bake a cake for a little farewell gathering they were having for her, and it was because of faithfulness to the task the cake was delivered.

Cake decorating has always been something I have dabbled in.  It all started when our daughter turned one and I borrowed a cake pan from a co-worker to make a panda bear cake for her.  From then on, whenever a birthday rolled around, the decorating tools would come out and another creation would be completed.

Although I would never like to be in the official business of cake decorating, it is always fun to do one for special occasions.  Such was the case this week, and I was pleased to even find a very fitting little ceramic typewriter to add to the top of the cake.  (Somehow, I'm thinking God was the one who knew I would need it, and was faithful to have it available!)

The Bible says much about faithfulness.  In looking through the many verses, I came across part of one to share tonight:

"A faithful man [or woman]
will abound with blessings"
~Proverbs 28:20a
Today I have been thankful for many who faithfully do their jobs to provide the services needed.  I am thankful for opportunities God gives me to be faithful.  Most of all, I am thankful to be serving a God who is faithful, not only today but always.
"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; 
He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love
to a thousand generations of those who love Him
and keep His commands."
~Deuteronomy 7:9 

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