Friday, November 14, 2014

Feeling Royaly Fruitful!

You'd think after being on the road so much this week, we would have stayed home come Friday night.  Especially since the temperatures have been hovering around the zero mark and below lately.  But it had simply been too long since this grandma had seen her precious grandchildren, and therefore, at her request, we once again hit the road to go see them.

Since our son-in-law had his birthday this week while we were gone, we decided to give him a special date with his wife while we watched the kids.  It was a win-win situation, for sure!  We enjoyed playing Legos, dress-up and simply "hanging out". 

The little guy had already changed to pajamas, and Grandma had commented the other three had best get theirs on, too.  Then we heard it. . .the garage door opener!  HURRY!!  MAD DASH TO THE BEDROOMS!!  What fun to see the excitement of everyone coming together at the end of a fun evening!

There was plenty of "fruit" for everyone. . .

LOVE - Between husbands & wives, parents & children, grandparents & grandchildren and siblings!

JOY - Lots of smiles and laughter shared

PEACE - Special time for two away from the busyness of the kids

PATIENCE - When the two year old was testing his boundaries with Grandma

KINDNESS - Having Grandpa finish up the dishes for his daughter after supper

If I thought long enough, I'm sure I could think of some examples of GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS and SELF CONTROL, too.  But it's getting late!  And I still want to share these fun pictures from the evening together:

After tonight, we can fully attest to the truth found in Proverbs 17:6 which says:
"Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children."

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