Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Day of Tribute

It has been a day of varied experiences.  This morning we found ourselves a part of the crowd at Crosby's Veterans Day Service.  Usually there is a variety of music and a special speaker.  This year, however, instead of featuring one person, the time was devoted to recognition of the many veterans who were in attendance.

A local man was the featured soloist on a medley of songs commemorating each of the branches of the armed services.  Before beginning, he asked the veterans to please stand as "their song" was being sung.  It was a touching sight to look around the auditorium and watch as first those who had been in the Air Force stood, followed by those in the Army, Marines and last, but not least, the Navy.

Following this, several were given special recognition for serving during peace time.  Because they had never faced wartime conflict, they are not given the same privileges as those who did, including the right to join the American Legion.

Of special mention were several who have loyally served on the Color Guard over the years and also one gentleman who was receiving a pin for 70 consecutive years of membership in the American Legion.  Those who had fought in recent years gave a brief account of their service.

Following a lunch served by the high school's FCCLA Chapter, we hopped in our Suburban and headed down the highway to Bismarck where my husband attended his first caucus as a newly appointed member of the North Dakota House of Representatives.

As one of the spouses in attendance, I had a back row view of the proceedings and was thankful for a friendly face who introduced herself as another Legislator's wife.  She filled me in on what my role would be, and what to expect.  I was thankful God sent her my way, and felt a genuine connection
with her sweet spirit.

A reception followed the meeting, and I couldn't tell you how many introductions and handshakes we went through.  It will definitely be a new venture as we continue down the road of state politics, and I'm thankful for this opportunity to "break the ice", so to speak.

Tomorrow, there will be more meetings to attend and I will have some time to relax and reflect as Bert starts to "learn the ropes".  I am proud of his leadership skills, and glad to know he will be seeking God's direction as he steps into this new role.

If I were to pick a passage of Scripture for him tonight it would be Proverbs 3:5-6. . .

"Trust in The Lord with all your heart 
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge God 
And He will direct your path."

At the close of this Veterans Day, I say thank you to all who serve or have served in our Armed Forces.  Their sacrifices have been many and varied, and we owe them a debt of gratitude.  Also, as we venture into the world of State Politics, I say thank you to all who sacrifice their time to be involved in the process of governing our state.  May God's hand of blessing be on them all!

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