Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Weather Wisdom

Let's do a word association exercise.  I will give you a couple of words, and you say what first comes to mind:  "North Dakota" and "weather".  Let me guess, was your answer, "cold"?  It seems to be what we are best known for, but actually another appropriate answer would be "variable". 

With the oil boom, lots of people are moving here from all over the United States.  We find there are many who have no idea what to expect.  As a native of the state, there are two pieces of advice I can offer.  The first is, "If you don't like the current weather, just wait a few hours and it will likely change!" and the second is, "The best forecast is look out the window!"

Currently, we have been experiencing some colder than average temperatures.  We've also had some extreme winds.  Today as I woke up to the radio, however, I was thankful my address was "North Dakota" and not "New York".  Later, seeing pictures of the many feet of snow they are experiencing, it was a blessing to look out and see only a scattering of white.

Yes, weather is an interesting thing.  Just for the fun of it, I decided to do a search on the Internet for "Bible verses about weather".  Thinking I'd jot down a few, I grabbed a piece of paper and started writing first the reference and then what kind of weather.  By the time I had scrolled through two websites, my page was full, with a wide variety of weather types.

Next I found some colored markers and used a unique marking for each type of weather.  Perhaps the most common was rain (or lack thereof), with second place falling to wind.  There were also references to thunder, lightning, earthquakes, dew, frost, snow and hail.  And, of course, we all remember the story about the great flood.

One of my favorite verse about weather tells me it will be around as long as this place we call earth exists:

"As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease"
~Genesis 8:22
This was the promise God gave to Noah after he came out of the ark.  God also gave the beauty of the rainbow as a sign He would never again destroy the earth with a flood.
Be assured, God is no stranger to any kind of weather.  Better yet, He has promised to be with us through them all.  Now there's a forecast we can count on and embrace! 
By the way, how's the weather in your neck of the woods??

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