Monday, November 24, 2014

Home Away From Home

It isn't often we make the trip to Bismarck and back in one day.  Today, however, with a 2:30pm doctor appointment scheduled, it seemed like the best option.  It makes me very thankful for a husband who doesn't mind driving.

The trip also provided us with the opportunity to pick up keys for our new place of residence come January.  For the second time I was able to look the place over, and confirmed my suspicions God had a hand in lining it up for us.

Just inside the front door sits a piano.  A glance to the living room area reveals a sofa and chair in the same blue fabric as my favorite comfy recliner.  Revisiting the main bedroom confirmed my memory of a bed which looks very similar to the one we've had since early in our marriage.  God seemed to go out of His way to make me feel right at home in this new "home away from home" we will be using during the 2015 North Dakota Legislative Session.

There were even a couple of perks. . .things not in my own home which brought a smile of approval.  The second smaller bedroom was set up with a roll top desk and an entire wall of bookshelves.  Glancing through the titles, it appeared there would be several which could captivate my attention during the hours my husband would be busy at the State Capitol, along with songbooks to use in conjunction with the piano.

Some folks might say it is all merely a coincidence, but I'm one who doesn't believe in them.  The proper word in my vocabulary would be "God-incidence".  According to one of my favorite passages in Acts 17, there was a point when God determined the times set for each of us and the exact places we would live, our "bounds of habitation" if you check the Kings James Version. 

What does that mean for me?  It means God cared enough to place a woman in a condominium who would have very similar tastes to mine.  He then arranged to have her relocate to Arizona over the winter months in 2015, to free up her space for us to fill.  I can almost sense His smile in arranging the little details, knowing how much they would mean to me!

There is also an important thing for me to remember.  In this same passage, God gave His reason for giving each of us a special time and place in history:

"God did this so that [wo]men would seek Him
and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him,
though He is not far from each one of us."
~Acts 17:27
It is with joy and gratitude I look forward to seeking Him from a new perspective.  What a blessing to know He is already there!


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