Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Who IS in control?

It is the eve of an election and many, my husband included, are glued to the television watching the results pour in.  As I see it, there are a certain number of people in our country who are rejoicing tonight and another percentage who are disappointed.  Beyond these two groups are the rest who, for whatever reason, just don't give a rip.

The big news tonight seems to be the Republicans are now in control of the Senate.  But who really is in control at the end of the day?  God is.  No matter what happens, things are unfolding just as they should according to His plan laid out long ago. 

As elections come and go, I really don't get too excited one way or the other, mostly because of Romans 13:1

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities,
for there is no authority except that which God has established.
The authorities that exist have been established by God.
For the most part, which political party you adhere to doesn't matter as much as whether or not you count yourself as part of God's team.  Perhaps if more would come to this realization we could turn things around in this country!

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