Saturday, November 29, 2014

Endings and Beginnings

It has now been a couple of days since we had our Thanksgiving celebration, and I woke up feeling less than thankful.  It was snowing.  And windy.  And cold.  Truth be told, it looked more like a January day than one at the end of November.  I'm just not ready for this, but like it or not, it's here!

Last night I sat in front of the computer for quite some time trying to come up with something to share regarding fruit of the Spirit showing in my life, and it seemed to be missing just like the nicer weather I'd been hoping for.  Call it the "post holiday doldrums" if you like, or perhaps it is anticipation of the changes forthcoming in our lives.

Having lived with bipolar over the years, I know change is never an easy thing for me.  Keeping things simple and predictable is always best.  Sometimes, however, God allows a few curves to see how good we are at handling them.  Such will be the case as our laid back life in small town Crosby gives way to new and exciting things in our State Capitol city of Bismarck.

Although I will continue to blog, I am going to let up on my commitment to do so every day.  Instead, I will write when time and circumstances allow and pray you will all seek to find God amidst the busyness of the Christmas season.  After all, as someone aptly said, "Without Christ there wouldn't be a Christmas!"

Tomorrow marks the first day of Advent, a season  observed by many Christian churches as a time of reflection in preparation for the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  May you find peace in the midst of the holiday rush and always remember it is Jesus who truly is the "reason for the season".

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