Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Right to Life

A couple of weeks ago, my daughter posted the following status on Facebook:

"Had a conversation about Measure One with my big boys today after school. (Thankful for God's grace... I was not ready for questions about abortion from my 7 and 9 year olds) After we talked, Benjamin said through tears, "Why would anyone want to waste a kid?" Exactly."

At the time, it seemed to me my grandsons were too young to have to be having such conversations.  Then again, God told us to be like little children, so why not ask their opinion on such an important thing as "right to life"?

Benjamin has such a tender heart, and I could envision his compassion as he tried to process the fact there were people who purposely would choose to end the life of a child.  With two younger siblings, I'm sure he remembers the excitement of having a baby grow inside his mother's "tummy" and thus could not fathom someone not wanting their baby to be born.  He went to bed last night not knowing the outcome of the vote on Measure One.  His mom told me today it was very hard for her to break the news to him this morning it had not passed. 

Measure 1 would have added to the state constitution: “The inalienable right to life of every human being at any stage of development must be recognized and protected.”  The margin of loss (64%/36%) was a surprise to me.  It seems many who are "pro life" chose not to support the Measure because they felt the wording wasn't quite right.  They felt it would affect such things as living wills and in vitro fertilizations, even though an opinion by former Attorney General John Ashcroft stated otherwise.

For now, all I can say to Benjamin is, "I'm sorry this didn't turn out the way you wanted it to.  I'm sorry there aren't more people who think like you do.  I'm sorry there is an enemy at work in the world who has made people question what deep down I think they know is right.  But keep your faith strong, and perhaps someday you can be part of the voice which prevails for the right to life of every human being at any stage of development."

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